Release date of the blair witch project 1999
Release date of the blair witch project 1999

release date of the blair witch project 1999

The perfect example of this comes in comparing The Blair Witch Project to the remake of The Haunting (1999), which opened one week before The Blair Witch Project went into nation-wide US release. The Blair Witch Project is a rare example that proves that occasionally audiences are not the Lowest Common Denominator morons that the studios executives are constantly assuming they are.


After being whipped up for release, it was one of those rare examples of a film being carried from nothing to a big box-office hit solely by word of mouth and the internet (and no doubt the help of a few judicious reviews that called in the scariest movie ever made). The Blair Witch Project was the single entry at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival that had everybody talking. Moreover, one never thought they would see the day when a film shot on video would become a major box-office success. It came at a time when one had despaired of the death of low-budget film at the multiplex, supplanted by studio-driven audience-pleasing product. The Blair Witch Project is one of those remarkable success stories that sometimes occur.

Release date of the blair witch project 1999